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Ionic 4 Login Form and Getting Textbox Value Updated FREE

Ionic 4 Login Form and Getting Textbox Value

In this tutorial, we'll larn how to use Angular forms in Ionic 5 by building a simple login and registration example with theming.

In the previous tutorial, we've created a JWT authentication server with Node and Limited.js and implemented an authentication service with Angular services and HttpClient in our Ionic 5 application.

Check out the previous tutorial: Ionic 5 JWT Authentication Tutorial: Using Angular HttpClient with Node & Express.js Server

Creating an Ionic 5 UI past Example

In this function, we'll create the actual UI with built-in Ionic 5 components and Athwart forms.

We'll be using Ionic v components such as the Ionic Grid, Input fields and Buttons.

We'll also see how to use some CSS variables like --groundwork and --colour for custom theming the UI components and the color holding of Ionic components to assign unlike types of standard Ionic colors such as the chief and secondary colors to the components.

We'll see how to use Angular routing to navigate between dissimilar pages of our Ionic 5 application.

We've created an Ionic 5 project, created a module that encapsulates authentication and created a service that implements the register(), login(), logout() and isLoggedIn() methods. Allow's at present create the UI pages and components.

Creating the Annals Page

Head back to your terminal and run the post-obit command to generate a annals folio within the auth module:

                          $              ionic generate page auth/register                      

This volition create the following files:

  • src/app/auth/register/register.module.ts,
  • src/app/auth/register/,
  • src/app/auth/register/,
  • src/app/auth/register/,
  • src/app/auth/register/

It will too update the src/app/app-routing.module.tsfile to enable routing to this page by calculation the following route:

                          {              path              :              'register'              ,              loadChildren              :              './auth/annals/register.module#RegisterPageModule'              },                      

This means, you can access the registration page http://localhost:8100/register.

Open the src/app/auth/annals/register.folio.ts file and import then inject AuthService and Router:

                          import              {              Component              ,              OnInit              }              from              '@angular/cadre'              ;              import              {              Router              }              from              "@athwart/router"              ;              import              {              AuthService              }              from              '../auth.service'              ;              @              Component              ({              selector              :              'app-register'              ,              templateUrl              :              './'              ,              styleUrls              :              [              './'              ],              })              consign              class              RegisterPage              implements              OnInit              {              constructor              (              individual              authService              :              AuthService              ,              private              router              :              Router              )              {              }              ngOnInit              ()              {              }              }                      

Next, add the register() method that will be chosen for registering users:

                          register              (              course              )              {              this              .              authService              .              annals              (              class              .              value              ).              subscribe              ((              res              )              =>              {              this              .              router              .              navigateByUrl              (              'dwelling'              );              });              }                      

This method simply calls the register() method of AuthService, subscribe to the returned Observable and navigate to the home page when registration is done.

We use the navigateByUrl() method of the Angular Router to navigate to a page by its URL.

The register() method takes an Angular form object. The value variable contains a JS object that corresponds to the fields of the class and their values.

Next open up the src/auth/register/ file and add a class within <ion-content>:

                          <ion-content              color=              "master"              >              <class              #              form=              "ngForm"              (              ngSubmit              )="              annals              (              form              )"              >              <ion-grid>              <ion-row              color=              "principal"              justify-content-center              >              <ion-col              align-self-middle              size-md=              "6"              size-lg=              "v"              size-xs=              "12"              >              <div              text-center              >              <h3>Create your account!</h3>              </div>              <div              padding              >              <ion-detail>              <ion-input              name=              "proper name"              type=              "text"              placeholder=              "Name"              ngModel              required              ></ion-input>              </ion-particular>              <ion-particular>              <ion-input              name=              "email"              type=              "electronic mail"              placeholder=              ""              ngModel              required              ></ion-input>              </ion-item>              <ion-item>              <ion-input              name=              "password"              type=              "countersign"              placeholder=              "Password"              ngModel              required              ></ion-input>              </ion-item>              <ion-item>              <ion-input              name=              "confirm"              blazon=              "password"              placeholder=              "Countersign again"              ngModel              required              ></ion-input>              </ion-item>              </div>              <div              padding              >              <ion-button              size=              "large"              type=              "submit"              [              disabled              ]="              form              .              invalid              "              aggrandize=              "block"              >Register</ion-button>              </div>              </ion-col>              </ion-row>              </ion-filigree>              </form>              </ion-content>                      

We assign the primary Ionic color to <ion-content> and <ion-row> components.

Next, allow's add some styling. Open the src/auth/register/ file and add together:

                          ion-detail              {              --groundwork              :              #3880ff              ;              --color              :              #fff              ;              }              ion-button              {              --background              :              #062f77              ;              }                      

We use the --background and --colour variables to alter the colors of <ion-item> and <ion-button> components.

This is the screenshot our registration page:

Ionic 5 Page

Creating a Login Page

Next, let's create a login page. In your last, run the following control:

                          $              ionic generate folio auth/login                      

The post-obit files will exist created:

  • src/app/auth/login/login.module.ts,
  • src/app/auth/login/login.folio.scss,
  • src/app/auth/login/,
  • src/app/auth/login/login.folio.spec.ts,
  • src/app/auth/login/

The src/app/app-routing.module.ts will be updated with the following road:

                          {              path              :              'login'              ,              loadChildren              :              './auth/login/login.module#LoginPageModule'              },                      

The loadChildren holding is used to lazy load the login module.

Now, open up the src/app/auth/login/login.folio.ts file, import and inject both AuthService and Router:

                          import              {              Component              ,              OnInit              }              from              '@athwart/core'              ;              import              {              Router              }              from              "@athwart/router"              ;              import              {              AuthService              }              from              '../auth.service'              ;              @              Component              ({              selector              :              'app-login'              ,              templateUrl              :              './'              ,              styleUrls              :              [              './'              ],              })              export              form              LoginPage              implements              OnInit              {              constructor              (              private              authService              :              AuthService              ,              private              router              :              Router              )              {              }              ngOnInit              ()              {              }              }                      

Next, add the login() method:

                          login              (              form              ){              this              .              authService              .              login              (              form              .              value              ).              subscribe              ((              res              )              =>              {              this              .              router              .              navigateByUrl              (              'home'              );              });              }                      

The login() method simply calls the login() method of AuthService and subscribe to the returned Observable then navigate to the abode page when login is done.

Permit's now create the login UI. Open the src/app/auth/login/ file and add the post-obit code:

                          <ion-content              color=              "master"              padding              >              <class              #              form=              "ngForm"              (              ngSubmit              )="              login              (              form              )"              >              <ion-grid>              <ion-row              color=              "main"              justify-content-heart              >              <ion-col              align-self-center              size-md=              "6"              size-lg=              "5"              size-xs=              "12"              >              <div              text-center              >              <h3>Login</h3>              </div>              <div              padding              >              <ion-item>              <ion-input              name=              "electronic mail"              type=              "e-mail"              placeholder=              "your@electronic"              ngModel              required              ></ion-input>              </ion-detail>              <ion-detail>              <ion-input              proper noun=              "password"              blazon=              "password"              placeholder=              "Password"              ngModel              required              ></ion-input>              </ion-item>              </div>              <div              padding              >              <ion-push              size=              "large"              type=              "submit"              [              disabled              ]="              form              .              invalid              "              aggrandize=              "block"              >Login</ion-push>              </div>              </ion-col>              </ion-row>              </ion-grid>              </course>              </ion-content>                      

Nosotros use the Ionic Filigree to place the form elements.

Open up the src/app/auth/login/ file and add these styles:

                          ion-item              {              --groundwork              :              #3880ff              ;              --color              :              #fff              ;              }              ion-button              {              --background              :              #062f77              ;              }                      

Next, let's add a link to the register folio to permit users to register if they don't already have an account. Inside the <ion-grid> component add:

                          <ion-row>              <div              text-centre              >              If y'all don't accept an account, please              <a              routerLink=              '/register'              >              register</a>              outset!              </div>              </ion-row>                      

We utilize the routerLink directive of Athwart Router to create a link to the register page.

In the src/app/auth/login/login.folio.scss file, add:

This is a screenshot of the login folio:

Ionic 5 login page


That's it nosotros take created our login and registration system using Ionic 5 and Angular 7 in the front-cease and Node, Express.js in the backend.

Ionic 4 Login Form and Getting Textbox Value



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