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Get Permissions Error When I Try to Download Junos Software Updated FREE

Get Permissions Error When I Try to Download Junos Software

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  • #1
xiaomi mi max 2
I get an mistake:

adb -d beat out pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystats android.permission.BATTERY_STATS

Operation non allowed: java.lang.SecurityException: grantRuntimePermission: Neither user 2000 nor current process has android.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS.

  • #2
Plough on the USB debugging (Security settings)
  • #three
Permissions non allowed

I'yard not able to go permission either

./adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystats android.permission.BATTERY_STATS

Operation not allowed: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS is not a changeable permission type

  • #iv
Plow on the USB debugging (Security settings)

The option is enabled and still nil!
  • #v
The option is enabled and still nothing!
You have to turn all 3 usb debugging options on for miui.
  • #6
thanks man
You take to turn all 3 usb debugging options on for miui.

thanks dearest it did worked for my Redmi Note eight Pro :laugh:
  • #7
You have to turn all iii usb debugging options on for miui.

Where you do that? Im on miui eleven android ix (redmi note eight pro)
  • #eight
Where you do that? Im on miui eleven android ix (redmi note 8 pro)
In the developers bill of fare, you will find usb debugging and a bit more than down the other one. I had to select both to get it working (mi 9t pro on miui 11 android ten)
  • #9
In the developers menu, you will find usb debugging and a flake more than downward the other one. I had to select both to get it working (mi 9t pro on miui 11 android 10)


i am struggling with this right at present. I got a Annotation viii Pro with MIUI Global 11.0.3. I am trying to get BetterBatteryStats to testify me what wakes upwards my phone. When using ADB i become the same error message ticatc3 got.

What exact setting do i need to actuate? Most of them desire me to "sign in to my Mi Account kickoff" (what the heck for?).

If i knew how to attach a screenshot i would exercise and then.

The Settings i got are:

USB debugging
Install via USB
USB Debugging (Security Settings)
Select debug app


  • #10
Realme X2 Pro - Color OS6 - USB debugging


I just had the aforementioned problem with my Realme X2 Pro. USB debugging was not enough. It worked after I activated the lesser most option in the developer options:
"Disable Permission Monitoring" (English) / "Erlaubnisüberwachung deaktivieren" (German)

Just for completeness.

  • #11

I simply had the aforementioned trouble with my Realme X2 Pro. USB debugging was not plenty. It worked after I activated the lesser most option in the developer options:
"Disable Permission Monitoring" (English) / "Erlaubnisüberwachung deaktivieren" (German language)

Just for completeness.

thank you !

I was exactly looking for this :)

  • #12

i am struggling with this right now. I got a Note 8 Pro with MIUI Global 11.0.three. I am trying to get BetterBatteryStats to show me what wakes upwards my phone. When using ADB i get the same mistake message ticatc3 got.

What exact setting do i need to activate? Most of them want me to "sign in to my Mi Business relationship first" (what the heck for?).

If i knew how to attach a screenshot i would practise so.

The Settings i got are:

USB debugging
Install via USB
USB Debugging (Security Settings)
Select debug app


Yous have to enable all of them so that you can grant permissions
  • #thirteen
thank you a lot dadri, I was having the exact aforementioned trouble on my x2 pro with realme ui and with yoyur input I finally got betterbatterystats working has information technology should ;)
  • #fourteen

I simply had the aforementioned problem with my Realme X2 Pro. USB debugging was non enough. It worked after I activated the lesser most option in the programmer options:
"Disable Permission Monitoring" (English) / "Erlaubnisüberwachung deaktivieren" (German)

Just for completeness.

Thanks, it worked on my realme 1
  • #fifteen
For Color OS you have to disable permission monitoring, is at the botton of programmer options. USB Debugging and disable permissions, you take to select both options.
  • #16
Not certain if this is the same issue or not but I am trying to run an adb command for the first time, the command is this

adb shell pm grant com.maxmpz.equalizer

These commands are listed nether two different lines. When I effort to run them separately I get an fault saying no permissions specified. When I run them under one line I get an fault that says,

Exception occurred while executing:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown permission: android.permission.dump

on my LG G7 the programmer options are a bit different, under USB debugging, this is what i run across..

What should I exercise to become this to work?
  • #17
You have to plough all three usb debugging options on for miui.
This worked for POCO X3 Pro. Thank yous very much.
  • #18
For COLOR Os you have to disable permission monitoring, is at the botton of developer options. USB Debugging and disable permissions, you lot accept to select both options.

y'all are a savior!!!!

thank you!!!

  • #xix
I'k having this problem on my LG V20 with Oreo. Information technology let me enable 2 of 3 permissions, only not PACKAGE.USAGE.STATS.

The fault:
Operation non immune: coffee.lang.SecurityException: Package com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition has not requested permission android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS

Terminal edited:
  • #twenty
Realme X2 Pro - Color OS6 - USB debugging


I just had the same problem with my Realme X2 Pro. USB debugging was non enough. It worked after I activated the bottom most pick in the developer options:
"Disable Permission Monitoring" (English) / "Erlaubnisüberwachung deaktivieren" (German)

Just for completeness.

Give thanks You!!!!! Man i thought i was screwed as a use taser a lot and needs a LOT of ADB functions similar monitoring Clipboard. this should exist the 1st google search entry when searching for this trouble. I literally made an account but to post this .

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Get Permissions Error When I Try to Download Junos Software



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